19th Amendment Videos
HEROES: Nancy Perkins,
100TH ANNIVERSARY: Nancy Chiswick;
Sue Sargo — League of Women Voters-Centre County;
Victoria Sanchez — AAUW State College;
Michele Hamilton — Ni-Ta-Nee NOW;
Teresa W., Centre LGBTQA;
Samantha Staskiewicz — We Are For Science
SALUTE: Lori Weider, Maggie Ellis, Cynthia White, Felicia Ko,
Tamara Fatemi, Valerie Silecchia, Margie Swoboda,
Sharon Dux Hyde, Cari Gutafson,
Jenni McEntaffer, Moms Demand Action
Happy Birthday, US Constitution!
Civil Rights, Voting Rights-13/14/15
Tyson Daniels -- Interfaith Initiative
Rabbi David Ostrich — Congregation Bret Shalom
Steven Dershem — Centre County Commissioner
Evelyn Wald — Center for Alternatives in Community Justice
Charles & Jo Dumas, Leslie Laing — State College NAACP
Terry Watson -- Strategies for Justice
Mary Sorensen, Centre County Historical Society
Mark Higgins — Centre County Commissioner
Deb Trudeau — Fair Districts PA Centre County
Lisa Shaffer & Horatio, Harley Grieco, Ryan Gato,
Dr. Michael Dawson, Nicole Bressler,
Arms for Peace Family Memorial
EDITORS: Vicki Fong & CST Productions
Thank you to our supporters